Company Registration

Everyone has two options when it comes to company registration Dubai namely, mainland company formation and free zone company formation. The government provides the two types considering the nature and technical requirements that different businesses have. The operational capacity and scope of the business are two other factors that affect the decision to choose between the two company types.

The two options have been successful at promoting business activity through various incentives for businesses. To register a company, the process is easy if the required set of documents is complete.

We Make Easy Ways to Move Forward

Choose your Business Type

AZAN can help to select any legal business activity in Dubai, UAE by sharing detailed information related to Mainland and Free-Zone registration requirements and policies.

Register your Trademark in Dubai

Get your brand trademark registration in Dubai with the help of AZAN. Register the brand logo for a trademark that no other company can replicate in the market.

Location of your Company

AZAN can assist any new entrant in UAE to get the best business location with fully furnished offices for rent at affordable prices.

Get Business License in Dubai

AZAN helps to get business trade licenses in Dubai, UAE with no limitation and safe from any complicated procedures. We can get any business license linked with trading, tourism, industrial and commercial business